

Bachelor of Science in 自然资源 Management

In the NATURAL RESOURCES MAJOR, students are provided a balance of general and professional 课程. 的 林业 option is accredited by the Society of American Foresters and prepares students for managing forest resources. 的 野生动物管理及保育 option is designed to give students a broad scientific background for 管理 and 野生动物资源的永续. 的 地理空间科学 option integrates GIS, Global Positioning Systems (GPS), and remote sensing technology with natural resources 管理. 的 自然资源通讯 curriculum provides students a broad background in communication as well as natural resources 管理. 环境 Science option allows broad flexibility through the individualized selection of environmental and natural resource 管理 courses.



In the AGRICULTURE MAJOR, students can choose from four options: Agribusiness, Animal Science, 植物与土壤学, and 一般农业.  此外,学生的欲望 to enter veterinary school are provided course work and advising aimed at meeting the requirements of institutions offering a degree in veterinary medicine.  的农业综合企业 option curriculum provides students with a broad agriculture background applicable across all business fields within the 行业.  动物科学选项提供 students with a background in animal production, 管理, and the broad animal 行业.  的 植物与土壤学 option is designed to provide students with a comprehensive scientific background for sustainable 管理 of crops, soils, 还有水资源.  的 一般农业 option provides an opportunity to combine courses from all options into a customized degree curriculum.

兽医预科 [PDF]

学生 are provided course work and advising to meet the entrance requirements of the veterinary school of their choice and may simultaneously complete the requirements for a Bachelor of Science degree in Agriculture under the 动物科学 Option.


的 LAND SURVEYING MAJOR prepares students to meet the growing demand for a geo-technology 劳动力. 的 program provides students with the tools and education to take the state survey licensure exam and become a professional land surveyor. 前两个 years of 课程 emphasize various aspects of professional education. 测量 licensure is available to Land 测量 graduates.


的 ASSOCIATE OF SCIENCE IN AGRICULTURE requires 60 semester hours and offers 课程 leading to supportive employment opportunities in the agriculture 行业.  学生 completing this degree can use the earned credit toward a Bachelor of Science degree 主修农业.


的 ASSOCIATE OF SCIENCE DEGREE IN LAND SURVEYING TECHNOLOGY requires 64 semester hours and two academic years for completion. 副学士学位包括课程 在普通教育和土地测量. A级毕业生.S. 土地测量技术 have the opportunity to take the state licensure exam, successful completion of the exam enables the student to become a licensed professional land surveyor.

Associate of Science in 自然资源 Management

ASSOCIATE OF SCIENCE IN NATURAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT is a credential that students pursuing a baccalaureate in 自然资源 Management earn after completing the first two years of required 课程.  随着完成 这个A的.S. degree, students will have the skills for a range of employment opportunities in natural resources 管理 fields, including positions requiring field sampling, laboratory processing, and data entry and processing.

Associate of Applied Science in Forest Technology

的 ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE DEGREE IN FOREST TECHNOLOGY requires 60 semester hours and offers 课程 that prepares individuals to assist foresters in the 管理 和生产森林资源. Coursework includes instruction in woods and field skills, tree identification, forest measurements, forest propagation and regeneration, forest fire-fighting, resource 管理, and personnel supervision. 为学生 who wish to further their forest-related education, this AAS degree is designed to closely parallel the first two years of the Bachelor of Science in 自然资源 管理学位. In addition to providing a pathway for transitioning to a four-year baccalaureate degree, students who begin in the four-year program also may transfer easily to the AAS degree track, if their interests or circumstances warrant.
