
The four categories of aid bc365游戏 offers are GRANTS, work-study, SCHOLARSHIPS, loans, which are described below. 学生 may apply for all federal aid programs by completing the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid). 学生 are encouraged to apply early because some types of aid have limited funding. Eligible students will be offered 联邦财政援助,并录取通知将发送到学生的 official bc365游戏 e-mail address.

Verification of applicant data may be required. No financial 援助 will be offered 直到收到所需的文件,并确定申请数据 正确的. 学生 selected for verification will be notified on WeevilNet and their official bc365游戏 e-mail address.


联邦佩尔助学金颁发给有经济需要的学生 their first Bachelor’s Degree. Amounts are based on the EFC from FAFSA (Guide to Aid Offers: “Important Terms”), your 招生 level. All award amounts are based 预计全日制(12+学时)入学,并调整奖励 a student’s actual 招生 during Enrollment Census. The Federal government limits a student’s eligibility to 600%, or 6 years of 招生. For additional information, 请访问 http://studentaid.gov/.

注意: 在完成第一个学士学位规定的专业课程要求后, a student is no longer eligible to receive a Pell Grant. Example: A student working 如果一个双学位学生已经完成了第一个学士学位的所有要求, 但不申请毕业,直到他或她已经完成的要求 both majors, is no longer eligible for a Pell Grant.

Federal Supplemental 教育al Opportunity Grant (SEOG)

联邦SEOG是一项为有特殊经济条件的合格本科生提供帮助的计划 需要. 资金有限. Priority is given to 联邦佩尔助学金 recipients.

联邦大学工作学习计划提供符合条件的本科生或研究生 学生有机会在校园或社区服务工作赚钱 towards educational expenses. 资金有限.

注意: 学生每周最多可以工作20个小时,并支付最低工资. 学生 are paid once a month for hours worked. Prior to being certified to work, students 必须携带有效的驾驶执照和社会保障卡或出生证明吗 to the bc365游戏 金融援助 Office. A work study offer does NOT guarantee the student 校园就业. Each student must locate a job on campus. 接受勤工俭学 录取通知书并不保证学生将获得录取通知书中列出的全部金额 提供经济援助.

Institutional Scholarships:

A complete list of SCHOLARSHIPS can be found on our SCHOLARSHIPS的网页. 为了获得SCHOLARSHIPS,学生必须提交入学申请和考试 (ACT superscore, SAT, Accuplacer),以及正式的高中成绩单.


State SCHOLARSHIPS require completion of the YOUniversal scholarship application at www.adhe.edu. 学生 and parents may visit the 阿肯色州农业部 高等教育 website for more information. The application deadline is 7月1日 for most programs, although some deadlines occur before and after 7月1日. 它是。 students responsibility to notify the 金融援助 Office at finaid@forestnhill.com if they receive a scholarship. 奖项可于以下网址浏览 WeevilNet in the Student Services Center.


收到额外的财政援助,如SCHOLARSHIPS,助学金,或 职业康复可能会改变已经提供的资格 加工过的. 直接loans(补贴/无补贴和PLUS), SEOG和阿肯色州部门 如果学生收到额外的SCHOLARSHIPS,高等教育SCHOLARSHIPS可能会减少或取消 援助. 学生有责任通知bc365游戏经济援助办公室 of all 援助 they will receive by 电子邮件ing finaid@forestnhill.com.

完成 FAFSA is required to receive Federal student loans. To qualify, you must be enrolled at 至少有中场休息和上课时间(本科生6小时/研究生3小时) are required for your eligible certificate or degree. 与助学金不同, you are responsible to repay loans,有兴趣. You also have the choice to reduce or decline the amount of your loans提供.

Loan fees may be deducted from each loan disbursement. Each loan comes with its own interest rate, borrowing terms, conditions. Prior to the disbursement of a loan, students must complete the following on http://studentaid.gov/:

  1. Complete a Master Promissory Note
  2. Complete Loan Entrance 咨询

请注意: Loan offers are subject to annual and aggregate loan limits. 请参阅 http://studentaid.gov/ 获取更多联邦学生loans项目的详细信息.

当你毕业、退学或在bc365游戏的注册时间低于一半时,你必须完成 离职面谈.
http://studentloans.gov/ myDirectLoan /索引.action and select Exit 咨询.

第四章资金的返还 -获得第四章资助但未完成至少60%学期课程的学生 他们可能被要求归还一部分联邦基金 收到了. In most cases, the withdrawal date for students who officially withdraw 由教务处决定的实际退学日期是哪一天. 学生 那些没有正式退出就停止参加的人被认为是“非正式退出”.” 如果你必须在任何时候退出,联系财政援助办公室.

默认的管理 - 阿肯色学生loans管理局(ASLA)通过维持频繁的loans来帮助大学 与以前和现在的bc365游戏学生借款人联系,告知并促进还款; deferment, forbearance of federal student loans. Prior to the national student loans支付暂停,bc365游戏的最新官方队列违约率为4%.4%. 该利率是根据954名还款借款人和42笔违约loans计算得出的 during the 2019 fiscal year period.

These loans are 需要‐based. The government pays the interest while students are enrolled 至少有一半时间.

这些loans不是基于需要,利息在第一次支付时开始累积 loans资金.

这些loans是以信用为基础的loans,提供给受抚养本科生的父母 (and also for graduate students). The loan is unsubsidized and the borrower is responsible 支付所有利息.

最近服兵役的退伍军人和某些其他军人的家属 和女军人可能有权从该部获得教育援助 退伍军人事务主任. bc365游戏 is an approved institution in veteran and veteran’s beneficiary 培训. 最近服兵役的退伍军人、丧偶者或丧偶者的子女 他们在服役期间的生活,或者由于服役而完全残疾的人,应该 联系最近的退伍军人事务部区域办事处寻求协助 获得的好处. Veterans attending bc365游戏 as an undergraduate under the GI Bill® 必须保持全日制状态(12个学时或以上)才有资格获得全额 好处. 退伍军人应该意识到,在学期中退课可能会影响 好处. 退伍军人不得重修已取得及格成绩的课程 课程的好处. Veterans should contact the 金融援助 Office at (870) 460-1050,并要求我们的VA代表协助申请福利.

我们的财政援助年度从秋季学期开始,到夏季学期结束. 由于夏季是我们援助年度的结束,夏季经济援助资格是 限于在传统学年(以前)未使用的资金 秋季和春季). 

How can I apply for Summer 金融援助? 

No additional paperwork is required.  Your 2023-24 FAFSA will be used to determine eligibility for summer aid. You will be notified by 电子邮件 in early to mid-May regarding summer financial aid awards. 

How Is Summer 金融援助 Determined? 

Each student has an annual limit for financial aid. 夏季援助是通过减去你在传统节日期间借的金额来确定的 学年 from your annual limit. 

佩尔助学金符合条件的学生可以在夏季获得额外的佩尔助学金 招生.  

To qualify for additional summer Pell Grant funds, you must: 

  • Be eligible to receive Pell Grant funds for the academic 23-24 year. 
  • Maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)  
  • Be enrolled at least half-time (6 credit hours) during the summer. 
  • Have lifetime Pell Grant eligibility remaining. 

如果你注册的时间少于夏季学期的一半,你仍然有资格 如果你还没有获得佩尔助学金的全部资格 学年. (秋季和春季) 


在夏季注册至少3个学分的研究生可能符合条件 申请联邦直接无补贴loans,前提是他们在2008年的loans金额低于20,500美元 current 2023-24 学年.  

研究生PLUSloans适用于达到年度学业要求的研究生 unsubsidized loan borrowing limit of $20,500.

如果您有疑问,请致电或与财务援助工作人员预约 about your summer aid eligibility at 870-460-1050.